Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My Educational Philosophy

I personally believe that for a teacher to understand themselves as a teacher and how they will end up succeeding as a teacher best, they must know what their educational philosophy.  Although I'm not completely sure how common it is for teachers to know, but finding out what their own personal philosophy is actually quite simple.
I really enjoyed taking the Educational Philosophies Self-Assestment a lot to do with the fact that because as I was taking it I could see where my personal philosophy was most likely going to align.  According to this assessment, my philosophy is humanism and that is ironically exactly how I describe knowing what one's own philosophy does to them. A humanist is someone that enjoys learning based on the ability get the most from one's personal growth and succeeding to be the best person that they can be.  Some of the beliefs that are included in this is believing that one can create and control their own destiny, at in the end all people are good and can some how make the world a better place, that one's behavior is based on one's choices, and more.  Believing in this philosophy also entails believing that there can be unlimited growth within one's self and that one will continuously and naturally try to learn as much as they possibly can.
Personally, I really think that this belief really not only aligns with me as an educator but also a whole person.  I've always tried doing my best and never giving up because I always have believed that there is so much to learn and that learning is really never ending either.  When comparing this to the chart in the McNergney textbook, I must say that I feel as though it doesn't at all have any discrepancies between what I feel was my original idea and what I got for my self-assessment.  Partly the reason why I think it was really easy for me to understand that this philosophy aligns with what I believe as a teacher is because with every experience I've had in life, I've always tried to make some kind of learning experience from it to better myself as in individual.
I think that what this orientation mainly implies is that if I were to ever be a teacher, I would really be focused on having my students work hard to grow as much as they can as a student and as a person.  I think that I would always be encouraging them that no matter what they go through in life, they
should always do their best in whatever happens to them because in the end they'll make it through.

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